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The Journey of Charted accountancy is basically divided in three steps, her e we will discuss about syllabus, paper pattern and required books in details
CA CPT: this is the first step of Charted accountancy journey. its full name is Central proficiency test . After passing In 12th class exam, an student can apply for this exam. As this is the first step, the syllabus and paper pattern is not so hard. A student is normally familiar with the syllabus of CA CPT as its upto 12th class level and most of the students have already go through it
Syllabus and Important books: to qualify in first attempt in CPT, an student need to prepare hard with the help of right books, the syllabus of CPT is basically comprises of four subjects e..g fundamental of accounting, mercantile, general Economics, and quantitative books. Student may either choose subject wise books or may select a complete guide with full syllabus. All of the important books for CPT is listed here at the best price with home delivery
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